Taylor Swift Pays Off Fan’s Student Loan. She’s Too Nice, What’s Her Endgame?

Taylor Swift’s PR campaign continues. 1989 has sat atop the Billboard charts for nine weeks straight. In a bid to keep the machine rolling, Taylor Swift acted all kind and s**t AGAIN. This time, she sent a check for $1,989 to pay off Rebekah Bortnicker’s student loan. Damn, Taylor and her gifts. It’s getting a little single white female-ish.

Bortnicker, as fanatics do, started bawling like Swift had laid her healing hands on her. These fans would probably smell Swift’s farts with quivering, cupped hands. Sheesh.

Bortnicker stopped crying long enough to say thanks.

“I know I’ve said it so many times already but thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Never in a million years did I ever imagine this happening to me,” she wrote on Tumblr. “I am so honored and so thankful to call myself a fan, to have supported you all of these years because you are truly the most amazing, genuine, and selfless person. … I can’t wait to see you on tour and thank you a 1,989 more times.”

To be honest, I’d start crying too if someone gave me $2,000 in the mail. First though, I’d smell it to make sure it wasn’t laced with dog s**t. Even then, who cares, it’s $2,000! Amirite?

On a side note, Swift seriously is all legs. Just look at these pics. Her legs go on and on. Much like your boring uncle during holiday dinners.

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