Ok, let’s see how many crappy tennis puns I can come up with. Anyway, Drake and Serena swapped spit the other night in Cincinnati. The two went on a date to Sotto restaurant for some Italian food where they exchanged pasta sauces. Isn’t is gross making out during dinner? Food particles and leftover juices swirling around in each other person’s mouth. That is not much of a turn-on. Have you ever had watered-down sauce? It’s horrible.
YEAH GET IT!!!! Drake & Serena Williams Restaurant Makeout Sesh (Pics) http://t.co/PMSffHlHWa via @TMZ_Sports pic.twitter.com/I1P1CGFZsn
— Dax Holt (@daxholt) August 24, 2015
TMZ reports:
The two had a private room in the back of the eatery — where they couldn’t keep their hands and lips off of each other … while several patrons watched.
People inside the restaurant tell us the two were joined by 6 other people …and at one point ordered a round of tequila shots for the table.
Bow chikka bow bow. Someone got laiiiid that night. Serena seems pretty alpha in bed and Drake is pretty sensitive and needy in bed, according to some gossip.
Not as emotional in the bedroom as you might think but apparently very needy. He apparently lasts FOR HOURS. So much so that she got tired once and another friend of ours had to prop her up so he could continue to hit it from the back. :/
Serena gonna go hard on that Drake ass. I imagine it’s gonna sound like this:
Or this: