What Do You Mean Marilyn Manson and Justin Bieber Are Friends?

Name every celebrity #squadgoals or bff duo you’ve ever thought of since Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton. Rattle them off.

Did Justin Bieber and Marilyn Manson make that list at all? Are they not the friendship we’ve been waiting our entire voyeuristic existence for? Thirteen year olds and grown adult men now have something in common, they’re both squealing ewwww without any regard for the humanity of their idols at this unlikely union, but me… I am sitting back on my pedestal seeing the world with fresh eyes.

If Justin Bieber and Marilyn Manson can get past all their differences and passive aggression to enjoy a night out in LA together, then anything is possible. Anything is possible. That or Marilyn Manson, who’s made a career out of his ability to shock and awe, is just as much of a PR junkie as the rest of us.

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8 years ago

My universe just imploded a little…