‘Bitch of the Moment’ Kendall Jenner Has a Lesson for Stephanie Seymour

Ahhhhhhhh this is getting better and better. Last week we rested in the shade thrown by former supermodel Stephanie Seymour in the direction of ‘bitches of the moment,’ Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid.

And Kendall responded in the only way she knows how. Social media, bitches. She cross-posted on every one of her social media accounts as per usual, some dumb story on my appBut she did actually have some intelligent words to say:

If you choose to be a cyberbully, I’m going to stick up for myself. No one is trying to steal Stephanie Seymour’s thing, or trying to be her. I actually looked up to her. She has a daughter! I guarantee you that she didn’t imagine someone so publicly shaming her daughter when she made those comments about us being ‘bitches of the moment.’

If people want to call Gigi and I supermodels now, it doesn’t take anything away from supermodels of the past. Obviously, I have so much respect for those women, but right now, we’re the models of this time. Significant? Maybe. Hardworking? For sure.

I’m feeling really sorry I was born to fame! But how about some girl power? 

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