Someone Tried to Kidnap Lana Del Rey

In shocking news of the day, Lana Del Rey still has fans who are not drowning in despair and have at least mustered some motivation to kidnap her. Case in point. Police arrested Florida man Michael Hunt, 43, over the weekend.

Mike Hunt, yea, his real name, was caught feet away from the Amway Center where Lana was playing Friday night. He had a 3-inch knife and tickets to the show. He also had previously posted on Facebook that he wanted to kidnap Del Rey. “I want to see my queen on Friday and from that day forward our decisions will be as one.” In his rambling Facebook post, he stated he wasn’t on drugs… except for marijuana. Which is weird because how does he get through her music?

Unfortunately for Lana Del Rey, she’ll never get to experience the sweet embrace of Mike Hunt. He sounded like a real keeper.

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