Ben Affleck Back to Rehab, Will Probably Have to Find a New Model to Bang When He Gets Out

Remember yesterday when I said Ben Affleck was living the life of a 14-year-old boy? Turns out he’s also drinking too much, something else 14-year-olds think are cool. In fact, Ben is drinking so much that his ex-wife Jennifer Garner had to get him to check himself into rehab, according to TMZ.

We’re told Ben fell off the wagon a while ago, and has gotten progressively worse.

Our sources say the tipping point came 2 days ago when Jen saw a pic of Ben grabbing a box from a delivery man … a box filled with beer and liquor.

It’s nice that even celebrities Facebook stalk their exes.

Ben showed signs of excessive drinking when he took his date Playboy Playmate Shauna Sexton to Nobu in Malibu last week. His face was blotchy and he looked disheveled.

Uh, that’s just what Ben Affleck looks like. Show me one time when Affleck didn’t look disheveled.

TMZ updated their report saying, “We’ve learned Ben has arrived at a live-in rehab facility and will check in for an extended period of time.” This means that Reindeer Games reboot we’ve been waiting for isn’t going to happen anytime soon.

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