Getter Cancels His Tour After Fans Hurt His Feelings

Getter is a DJ who’s primarily known for tracks that frat bros like to headbang and get fucked up to. Getter himself sort of embraced that culture, meaning, he was sort of an ass at the time he made that music. Two years ago he and his friends trashed a hotel room for shits and giggles.

His latest album, Visceral, was supposed to be a departure from that type of music and that life. However, when your core base of fans are the type of people who white-knuckle the front rail in order to break their necks, there’s going to be a, um, visceral reaction when you go on tour and play your new music.

That was the reaction Getter received when he went on tour forĀ Visceral. When fans realized that this album was much different than the music they were expecting, they began giving Getter s**t by tossing drinks, booing and yelling at him. All because they couldn’t rage until their face turned blue. Well, he had enough and canceled his tour halfway in.

This is bad news for the rest of the stops on his tour. What are the coked up EDM bros going to do now with all their leftover molly? That’s the real tragedy here.

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