As you may know, Kid Rock is a pretty outspoken Republican who loves Donald Trump. This probably has less to do with his image as a redneck country boy and more to do with him actually being a spoiled rich kid who grew up in a house with a tennis court and parents who complained about the capital gains tax rate. Yeah, he doesn’t want you to know that, he’s just a good old country boy who grew up on an estate that probably has a name like “Rosewood Gardens” or something with the n-word in it.
Kid Rock, who isn’t a kid and doesn’t rock, popped his head out from obscurity to be mad at Taylor Swift for not agreeing with him on politics.
Taylor Swift wants to be a democrat because she wants to be in movies….period. And it looks like she will suck the door knob off Hollyweird to get there. Oldest move in the book. Good luck girl.
-Kid Rock
— KidRock (@KidRock) August 9, 2019
Even setting aside the dumbass thing he says, what kind of dipshit signs a tweet like it’s a letter to the editor?
If Rock… Okay, his real name is Bob Ritchie and I’m not calling a nearly-fifty-year-old man “Kid Rock.” If Ritchie wanted to make everyone hate him more than they already did, well, mission accomplished.
you’re pathetic. – Chrissy Teigen
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) August 9, 2019
Amen, Bob. She should be a real American like you, growing up on a six acre estate complete with tennis court and horse paddock, and then bravely adopting a faux “redneck shitkicker” cosplay persona. God bless you, buddy ruff.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) August 9, 2019
The “oldest move in the book” is your signature move, Bob. #Prolific #DickRider
— Kim (@kim) August 10, 2019
Have you ever thanked Sheryl Crow for that one top ten hit you had that time?
— Denise (@1butterflywild) August 10, 2019
Remember when you gave the finger to authority but blurred out the name because you didn’t want to upset authority?
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) August 9, 2019
But one tweet actually really nailed the entire situation better than anyone else even hoped to.
Kid Rock is upset because he spent 20 years trying to figure out the secret to making Old Town Road and never did
— Hrishikesh Hirway (@HrishiHirway) August 10, 2019