What Ariel Winter Fantasizes About While We Fantasize About Her

As far as I’m concerned, Ariel Winter is by far the most beautiful woman in Hollywood, non-Kristen-Stewart division. Which is weird because I’ve seen her on Modern Family since she was like, 10. But that’s the weird thing about long-running sitcoms, sometimes they come back from summer hiatus and one of the child actors is 22 and super hot. This is absolutely what happened with Ariel Winter.

So nowadays, when she says she’s fantasizing about something, I pay attention to what it is.

Really? Candy Corn? The worst of all supermarket candies? That dress looks familiar, though.

Wow, that’s what she looks like after having a breast reduction? That is almost unfair to other women.

Very much looking forward to seeing what Ariel will be doing after Modern Family ends next year. Unlike some people on that show, she has options. If I was the kid who played Luke I would be very shrewd with my investments is all I’m saying. Maybe take some acting lessons.

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