Here’s Amanda Pacheco, the Model Wilmer Valderrama Just Got Engaged To

When That 70s Show debuted in 1998, it was set 22 years earlier, in 1976. If a show debuted this year and was set as many years in the past, it would be 1998. Wilmer Valderrama would still probably be a weirdo, though. If he still had a job at all, they’d probably just cast Kunal Nayaar now.

Still, though he hasn’t become as famous as some of the other actors on That 70s Show, Wilmer Valderrama hasn’t been the least successful guy, either. He’s Handy Manny and you might think that’s lame, but at least he’s not a meme from the second-worst Spider-Man movie. And he’s engaged to model Amanda Pacheco, that’s nothing to blink at.

New Year is a big time for engagements, I guess.

They are a cute couple, though.

I mean, all I can say here is well done, Fez.

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