Jared Leto has been entirely ignorant of the massive coronavirus outbreak because he’s spent the past two weeks at a silent meditation retreat. I dare you to dream of a more Jared Leto sentence than that. I assume he’s been getting into character for a new film where he plays an insufferable douche, a role he’s been preparing for his whole life.
Wow. 12 days ago I began a silent meditation in the desert. We were totally isolated. No phone, no communication etc. We had no idea what was happening outside the facility.
— JARED LETO (@JaredLeto) March 17, 2020
Walked out yesterday into a very different world. One that’s been changed forever. Mind blowing – to say the least. I’m getting messages from friends and family all around the globe and catching up on what’s going on.
— JARED LETO (@JaredLeto) March 17, 2020
Jared Leto’s twitter account has been active the entire time he’s been away, which takes away a lot of the mystery of whether or not his social media is run by an intern.
Remember those rumors that Jared Leto was a cult leader a few months ago? It sounds more and more true every day. Jared Leto leading a cult is basically the only explanation for how a Jared Leto isn’t in a cult. Or Scientology. Which is definitely not a cult.
Leto isn’t the only person unaware of the coronavirus; contestants on the German version of the reality show Big Brother are about to learn about the outbreak live on the air.
That’s kind of perfect, I can’t think of who is more like a vapid reality TV contestant than Jared Leto. Dude walks out of an ashram somewhere and learns there’s a global pandemic and tweets “wow man, that’s so heavy. Peace and love!”