Antonio Banderas Has COVID

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The thing about a pandemic is that famous people get sick, too. We haven’t actually seen a lot of major celebrities get COVID-19 so far, mainly people like Christopher Cross and Alyssa Milano. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson got it and Lena Dunham says she got it but she also says she has Chronic Lyme Disease which isn’t a real thing; Lena Dunham will claim she has anything as long as it’s not actually detectable and gives her an excuse to leave her house in a bathrobe. Idris Elba and Bryan Cranston have also had the virus.

The latest major celebrity to contract the virus is Antonio Banderas, star of Desperado and Once Upon a Time in Texas. He was probably in some other movies, too, but Desperado had Salma Hayek nude, a guy with a rocket launcher in a guitar case and some really great shoot-outs; it was basically the perfect movie.

Banderas tweeted the news in Spanish on his 60th birthday, which Variety translated.

“I want to make it public that today, Aug. 10, I am forced to celebrate my 60th birthday in quarantine, having tested positive for the COVID-19 disease, caused by the coronavirus,” the star tweeted in Spanish.

“I would like to add that I feel relatively good, just a little more tired than usual, and am confident that I will recover as soon as possible following medical instructions that I hope will allow me to overcome the infectious period that I am suffering, and that is affecting so many people around the planet,” the actor wrote.

“I will take advantage of this isolation to read, write, rest and continue making plans to begin to give meaning to my 60 years, to which I arrive full of enthusiasm. A big hug to everyone,” Banderas concluded.

I certainly hope Banderas recovers quickly. And remember to wear your mask and stay inside if you can; we’re all in this together, we all have to do our part.

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