Sandra Bullock had a heads-up

According to Popeater, Sandra Bullock’s publicist tipped her off about Jesse James’ affair after In Touch called Monday to let her know they were running the story.

“At first, camp Sandra dismissed the story until they understood that the magazine had the alleged mistress, tattoo model Michelle ‘Bombshell’ McGee, on the record telling all.”

By the end of the day Monday, Sandra had moved out of the mansion in California and pulled out of her London event to promote ‘The Blind Side,’ feeling blindsided herself.

“Sandra had no idea that all of this was going on. Not a clue,” a friend of the actress tells me. “Now she is with family hoping for privacy. It’s bad enough for any woman to find out that her husband has been cheating on her, but to find out from your publicist and then have it on the cover of a national magazine is heartbreaking.”

Having to find out your husband is banging a girl on the side from your publicist must suck. It’s like finding out your best friend didn’t tell you they were getting married so you devise this plan to release a bunch of bears during their wedding in a misguided attempt to get back at them. Ha. Who’s the jerk now, jerk!

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14 years ago

My heart goes out to Sandra no matter what really happened. The fact that he put himself in the position that even resembled disrespect and to cause Sandra pain of that magnatude is tragic. It authentically shows his depth of self serving focus. It is so very sad that his only focus was on his own little bubble with no regard on how his behaviour would reflect in the public eye. The aftermath on Sandra is horrible because she has to put her children first….Obviously their father did not even think of them at any moment. Truly the actions of… Read more »