This beard thing is going too far

Having “dated” for four months, Ashley Greene took Joe Jonas to meet her parents. The rumor is that Joe asked her parents permission to marry her. Strange because I thought Joe Jonas was gay.

Greene and Jonas were spotted over the weekend shopping at the outdoor mall and eating at the California Pizza Kitchen in Jacksonville Beach, but things got really hot in an obvious PDA way on Saturday night when the two were seen at the local Ritz Bar hanging out and making out.

“They were there with two other couples and at first went unnoticed,” says eyewitness and former celebrity publicist, Jonathan Jaxson. “Then they moved to the back corner for more privacy. They were very cute together; she was caressing him, they were making out and holding hands.”

“After they started making out, they drew some unwanted attention,” says Jaxson. “A lot of people were coming up to them and asking for pictures.”

Jaxson says the couple declined pictures and since they didn’t bring their own security they had to get club security to help them get one man away from them when he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Joe Jonas needs to get a new beard. Keep away from my imaginary girlfriend you jerk.

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fruit cake
fruit cake
13 years ago

What’s the problem? Same sex marriage is allowed in California now and they both f**k guys.

Herman Bumfudle
13 years ago

uuumm. ashley is fucking beautiful.