Jason Sudeikis Really Isn’t the Father

Everyone erase Jason Sudeikis from your January Jones Baby Daddy Bingo card because E! says he’s definitely not the father. In fact, just throw that card away and make a new one with all the actors, grips, pa’s and the ad working on X-Men: First Class. Why? I’m glad you asked.

“Well placed movie insiders” tell E! that January was involved with someone on set and that someone is the father. Sounds like a case for Maury Povich. *Maury puts on detective hat, grabs DNA testing kit*

My money is on Michael Fassbender because his last name is Fassbender and girls are impressed by foreign sounding names. One time I told a girl my surname was Capuccino and I totally hit that. Actually, no, I lied. I was just ordering coffee from Starbucks. But she did smile at me!

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