Even porn stars fight on MySpace

Jenna Jameson’s MySpace post was just the beginning of a battle of blogs on the internet wasteland. It prompted Jenna’s ex, Jay G, to respond in kind with a holier than thou post. It begins with,

Blah Blah Blah … people in life are amazing! It’s funny how individuals always believe their own bullshit.. or basically their side of the story… as flamboyantly as they might want to tell it.

Jenna isn’t one to sit on her laurels so she fired right back.

Just like always… he rears his ugly head, only when it might mean a little press for him. He wants to be a star so bad, and has ridden my coat tails for years. I wish him luck, he wants it more than anyone I know. He gave everything up for it… period.
It’s really too bad that he feels the need to bash me and not accept any blame for his hideous actions… but it will all come out in the end. The truth will set you free.

Then it got somewhat interesting. In response to Jay calling her bitter, the Club Jenna founder wrote,

why don’t you go rape another girl… and try to pass it off like nothing happened…
why dont you give me my things back, jay? because your a goldigger and a glorified pimp…

There you have it. Even though porn stars regularly slam, umm, other porn stars, they still need surprise sex to get laid. Usually when the camera focuses on a roided out guy with a 12-inch leg grunting his way to satisfaction, I turn away before the mood is ruined. Now I’ll just scoff before I turn away and wallow in self-pity, I mean, keep the mood going.

On another note, Jay better not piss Jenna off too much. Her boyfriend is a former UFC light heavyweight champ. Despite having his ass handed to him by Chuck Lidell twice, I’m sure Jay will be no problem.

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