Lynne Spears has allied with Kevin Federline in her ongoing feud with daughter, Britney. Life & Style says that when Lynne dropped Britney off at rehab, she was told, “Say goodbye, mama, because this is the last time you’ll ever speak to me.” In an attempt to make amends, Lynne planned to casually bump into her daughter at a party to talk. It didn’t work. Now, Lynne only sees her grandchildren when K-Fed brings them to visit. The uneasy alliance has left Britney paranoid that her mom and ex are scheming to take the babies away from her.
Spears has actually contacted a lawyer to cut her mother out of her will, according to L&S. “Lynne is more hurt than anything,” an insider told the mag. “She feels she sacrificed everything for Britney.”
Unbeknown to Britney, her babies have already been taken away and replaced with chocolate replicas. At first, Britney was hysterical about the black babies staring at her, but soon calmed down after nibbling at their ears.