Assault at the Playboy Mansion

Police are investigating a possible sexual assault at the Playboy Mansion. A statement released to ET said,

“On Wednesday, August 6th, Los Angeles Police Department detectives began an investigation related to a report of a possible sexual assault at the Playboy Mansion in West L.A. For reasons of law and confidentiality that are critical in such investigations of this type, no additional information will be released at this time.”

It’s the Playboy Mansion. If you’re a girl, you expect with 100% certainty that your breasts will be groped at some point during the night. If you’re a guy, you expect with 100% certainty that you’ll accidentally put your hand up a girl’s shirt 10 times at some point during the night. It’s a miracle the police don’t investigate more frequently. If the LAPD is confused about their findings, the dirty condoms floating in the pool trap could indicate sexual activity occurred during the party. Just a thought.

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17 years ago

August 6 was Monday, not Wednesday.

17 years ago

Since when is sexual assualt amusing. I missed the joke….or the funny, in the above statement.

It’s people with low IQ’s, rapist, molesters, and perverts that would think someone being violated against there will is amusing.

17 years ago

No woman anywheres should be EXPECTED to be gropped against there will! Show some class and stop promoting it’s okay to violate people.