That’s pretty mean

The Daily Mail put up a few unflattering pictures of Britney Spears clutching her swollen belly and suggest she’s pregnant again.

But now looking healthier and happier, it looks like the star could seriously be considering adding to her brood.

What’s more, the Louisiana-born singer won’t be going it alone — her 17-year-old sister Jamie Lynn is expecting her first child in June.

Over the years, Britney has made some poor decisions leading to the destruction of her life and career. Marrying Kevin Federline. Having two kids. Shaving her head in a fit of insanity. Attacking paparazzi with an umbrella. Holding her aforementioned two kids hostage. But if the Daily Mail is right, this third pregnancy will surely turn things around. How can it not?!

Oh yea and Britney’s probably not pregnant since pregnant people don’t smoke. Then again Britney is an idiot so I’m on the fence with this one.

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capt. cornhole
capt. cornhole
16 years ago

I’ll bet when she’s getting pipe laid to her, she’s still got a cigarette in one hand and is looking over the dude’s shoulder watching Oprah, or that (strange) colon cleansing info-mercial!
Hair and tit’s bouncing…and still smoking and watching TV.

16 years ago

You’re a cornball Capt. Cornhole, for leaving a stupid and senseless comment like that…freak.

16 years ago

Well alrighty then. On a positive note, her hair is coming along nicely. That looks like natural hair and not her usual hideous extensions.

capt cornhole
capt cornhole
16 years ago

You’re right she’s more the Jerry Springer type… bad.

16 years ago

Capt. might be right. She looks the type.