Heidi and Spencer sitting in a tree, p-u-b-l-i-c-i-t-y

If any of you thought that Heidi and Spencer eloping was a big publicity stunt designed to milk as much fame and cash out of the media as is humanly possible, congratulations, you’re the big winner. The unsubstantiated rumor became substantiated when a poster on ONTD scanned their just received issue of Us Weekly (also confirmed on their website). In it was an eight page spread detailing the tender moments of Heidi and Spencer’s well documented impromptu Mexican union.

They weren’t lying when they said it was a spur of the moment thing. If it was planned, they would have had nine professional photographers as opposed to the three they ended up hiring. Another thing you learn which was not mentioned but still surprising: Heidi is literate. It’s true. You can tell by the generic vow she wrote on the back of a napkin.

ONTD has the rest of the scans if you care.

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15 years ago

OH MY GOSH!!!! I was just saying on myspace that I wanted this couple to JUST GO AWAY!!!!


[email protected]

p.s. Did a small animal die on Spencers face??? gag

15 years ago

These two are completely crazy! Everything they do is to get more publicity. It is so sad actually. When are they going to give it up? I hope soon. What’s next? Getting knocked up??

15 years ago

Now they can have a bunch of little blockhead children