Jessica Biel is naked in Powder Blue

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Powder Blue is about a mortician, an ex-con, a suicidal ex-priest, and a stripper who are brought together on Christmas Eve. It’s the Crash of 2009. But much better because Jessica Biel plays the stripper and rumor is you get to see her tits. A fact almost evidenced by the video above and confirmed by Jessica herself in an interview with

Q: I assume you’re still sticking to your policy of no nudity in the film? I heard you picked out your own body double for Nailed.

JB: “Yeah I did pick out my own body double. That was bizarre, that was very bizarre. It’s very hard to be a woman and sort of be looking at women kind of like they’re just objects. I was like, ‘I’m kind of having a male experience right now.’ It was weird. It wasn’t the best thing I’ve ever done. Anyway, I actually didn’t stick to that policy in this other film I did called Powder Blue.

Q: Where you played a stripper?

JB: “Yeah, I mean you change and you grow up and one moment it’s right and another moment it’s not right. I just take it project by project. It’s all about what makes sense for the character and what makes sense for me.”

Nudity really helps a film. Especially when perverts like me are in the audience. Granted, it’ll be pretty annoying for the other moviegoers when I keep shouting, “Where’s the fast forward button?,” and “Rewind! Rewind!”

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13 years ago

I saw her in the 2007 Adam Sandler movie “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry”. I didn’t know know she has such a beautiful body and a sexy round “ethnic-like” booty until I saw her in that movie. Now we really know!