For all intents and purposes, Pete Doherty should be dead by now, but he’s not. He’s actually been relatively healthy. That’s all starting to change though. Holy Moly claims that last weekend in a recording studio, Pete Doherty’s arm, tired of being jabbed with dirty needles, finally exploded. Specifically, an artery burst.
A private doctor was called but by the time he arrived, Doherty was high and started running away from him. He had to be chased down and forced to go to the hospital.
I think a cool thing to do would be to amputate Pete Doherty’s arms just below the elbow. That way he won’t be able to shoot up anymore. It’ll be his worst nightmare. It’d also be pretty funny watching him wiggle his arms in a futile attempt to grab a gun to kill himself with.
Leave the dirty little twat to it
Wow you’re all assholes. If he wants to get high that’s his own damn business.
He shuld do what I used to, in the 60’s!! After scrubbing the face withe the harshed soap possible, I used LAVA, throw a handful of 50% isopropel alcohol onto your face!! It’ll burn like hell but it well get rid of of your acne!!! Dries the skin real nice, so it do!!
Do it or don’t!! I’m telling’ ya!! It works!!!!
Pleas show no more acne faced Pete Doherty!!! I spent a lot of time getting rid of the efflection!! I know what a pain it is and wouldn’t wish it on any one!!
Just don’t show pic of what I used to be!! Please!!
He’s ugly ta boot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s his business, and if he does it, leave him. Don’t write s**t about him. He wouldn’t do it to you lot.