Miss California Carrie Prejean hit up the Today Show to discuss her vocal opposition to gay marriage. Last Sunday, Prejean said that due to her beliefs, she believed that marriage was between a man and a woman. This morning she defended herself to Matt Lauer and told him that if she could go back and do it again, she wouldn’t change a thing. Of course, Perez Hilton, the judge who asked the question during competition, was there via Skype to bitch and moan over what Prejean said because if you don’t agree with Perez Hilton, then you are wrong. In either case, who cares if people of the same sex marry each other. It’s not going to affect me in any way. What is going to affect me is having to listen to Perez be a whiny bitch because in his world, it’s whoever screams the loudest that wins. And I sure as hell don’t want to hear that little piggy squeal while I’m trying to surf for porn.
Why does she care who marries who? Why would two guys getting married affect her life? What if she were gay?
People need to live and let live.
We need more people like her. Marriage is and always should be between man and women. Othervise is Sodoma not a marriage. Brave young woman.
If only Perez read this…
still not getting why being gay is an issue, the only point it seems to any of this discussion is to advertise ones afflictions purely for the attention. being gay isnt like being black, no one knows what u do in your bedroom until you shove it in their face, so the simple solution would be to stop forcing me to deal with your sexual decisions, dont care what u do in the bedroom or who. gays dont need their own rights, what they need is to stop pushing their agenda onto the front page. perez is the biggest sell… Read more »
this argument completely backs up the statement; the only real accomplishment of the Internet is its ability to delude millions into thinking their opinions matter!