Bridget Marquardt revealed to FOX about what went on at Kendra Wilkinson’s bachelorette party which took place Thursday night in Hollywood. It wasn’t as raunchy as hoped. There was no naked Twister or finding out which Playboy model kissed the best naked. No, it was a little more tame.
“There are two games that are kind of raunchy,” she said, explaining that a certain sex toy will be passed between the legs and if you are caught when the music stops you’re out.
“The other one is just a story-telling game! When you give Kendra her present you have to tell about how old you were when it was your first time, who it was with and where you were …” Marquardt added.
That’s it? The punishment for dropping a dildo is your out of the game? They should make the punishment more severe like a spanking or making out with me. Some wouldn’t even call the latter a punishment because I’m a fantastic kisser. Just ask any of my stuffed animals.