Heidi Montag’s playboy spread is about as interesting as dirt, so I skimmed through it and highlighted the (barely) interesting parts for yours truly. I know. I’m expecting that Nobel Prize in the mail any day now.
“You know, I was never very sexual before I met you, Spencer,” she tells Spencer, who interviews her for the issue. “I knew what sex was, but when I met you I entered into a whole new realm of understanding, from fantasy to love. Or to experience a day with 20 or 30 orgasms. Before you, sex was just something that happened. Now it’s something I look forward to every minute of the day.” [Us]
20 or 30 orgasms. Right. I love how casually she threw that out, just like being at the market and picking up “two or three” tomatoes. Heidi Montag has roughly about “20 or 30” orgasms a day. Now, I’m not sayin’ she’s a liar, but if I was having sex with Spencer Pratt it’d take more than the half-hearted thrustings of his pale, weak body and a prayer to get me even remotely close. She looks forward to sex with this guy every minute of the day? I bet she does! Why wouldn’t she? I’ll tell you why. Having sex with Spencer Pratt is roughly equivalent to, oh, I don’t know, any of the following:
Oops. Kinda bled into the grocery list there. But you get the point.
20 to 30 with that clown!!
He might need a respiratory device to keep himself alive. It looks like he will croak any minute during her crazy orgasms!!
Wow a Maxim Spread in Playboy. There’s something new.
20 to 30? AMAZING. What a joke. I cannot believe these people exist
is 20 to 30 a lot?
LOL are u kiddin?
go out side naked with noting on
spencer pratt couldnt give an orgasm to a woman orgasming
the pratts ruined I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here show now i am suprised Hefner allowed them to ‘Screw’ up Playboy. how nice to make a living by creating fools out of people
Gentlemen, ladies…she looks abosolutely FABULOUS! I am a 54 heterosexual…and Dang…she look Great!
lmao @ “bathing an old person”
LMAO. wow youre funny as hell.
How to make yourself attractive hollywood style:
a.- Have at least a normal decent face. No accidents.
b.- Color hair blonde.
c.- Get fake boobs. Large.
d.- ????
e.- Profit.
There you go kids. Have fun.
really there is nothing special! I think Playboy has finally ran the gamut on finding a real woman with quality and something different to her!!
Instead of these Stepford Wives Types!!
Who in the world is Heidi Montag?