Even the Gosselin kids don’t care

After Nancy Grace demolished his taint, Jon Gosselin sewed his balls back on and continued his quest to whine to every media outlet and officially receive the Top Douche of 2009 award. During Pete Wentz’s honorable mention thank-you speech, Kanye West snatched the mic away to declare he was really happy for Pete and Jon, but he was best douche of all time. According to Us Weekly, Gosselin shared,

“When we told them we were going to get divorced, the 5-year old said, ‘What’s for lunch?’ The only two people who really cared with [9-year-old twins] Mady and Cara,” Jon says in a new interview with Entertainment Tonight. “Cara broke down and Mady said, ‘Oh, I saw this coming.'”

That 5-year-old is such a user. All he or she cares about is what they’ll eat, when they’ll play, or is it nap time. How inconsiderate.

[Image: Splash News]

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