Heidi Montag wants to start her own fashion line

In love with failing, first with reality tv, then with music, the new Heidi Montag now wants to fail at clothing design. At PURE nightclub’s Valentine’s Day party, Montag talked about the dress she wore and said she’d eventually wear mostly her own designs. Which is just a fancy way of saying she’s poor and doesn’t have the money to spend on clothes so she’s decided to make her own.

Obviously, Heidi also wants to do a low end line. For her fans. And then a “one of a kind” couture line “to really showcase my creativity”. Read: more free clothes! But if you can’t wait, she’ll have a bikini line this summer.

Who’d partner with her for this? I can’t imagine anyone wanting to look like a plastic train wreck. I’d rather try to sell diet shakes to Kelly Clarkson than Heidi Montag fashion to teens. The only way this would sell is when it’s marked down 75% and that’ll be more out of pity than anything else.

[Las Vegas, February 13. Images via Pacific Coast News.]

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