Following news that even more women will come forward to claim Steven Seagal sexually harassed them, CBS Crimesider found a 1998 interview with Movieline magazine in which Jenny McCarthy said Steven tried to get her into the old casting couch.
McCarthy describes, “I go inside Seagal’s office, and he’s by himself and says, ‘Sit on my couch.’ Then he said, ‘Take off your dress.’ I just started crying and said, ‘Rent my Playboy video, you asshole!’ and ran out to the car.”
Every time I hear one of these stories about Steven, I imagine his fat ass sitting on his casting couch messily stuffing a donut into his mouth with one hand and pointing to a naive actress across from him with the other and commanding her in a creepy, gravely voice to “Striiiiip for Steven.”
Also maybe like Fergie Olver in the video below. But substitute little girls for desperate actresses.
Do these old fat guys always behave this way? Or is this learned behavior? What a snake. Besides, what in the world makes these fellas think they are that “wonderful” that someone with intelligence (Jenny) would possibly ever do the couch dance? What is wrong with this type of thinking…..oh now I remember……they think with their penises. Hey fellas, a penis is NOT a thinking member at all, I thought this was taught in Human Relations 101. Skipped that class I see. That’s a shame. Dummy.
Just because because no one wants to have sex with you is no reason to go insulting people.
So when did Hollywood become so self-righteous? This kind of stuff has and will continue to go on as its part of how the system works. Actresses as famous as Jennifer Aniston have stripped and spread for as little as a few better or more lines in a scene to the writers. I’d say it is much more the exception when a famous female star hasn’t provided sexual favors in order to gain a part in a TV show or movie. I’d say blame the system not just one of many players.
So sad when chicks that we once thought were hot and really fun(remember her on MTV?? yeah–fun) turn out to be boring, stupid, vapid, insipid psychos just looking for attention off of someone else’s issue. Jenny McCarthy is a class A bitch and selfish whore who is now in the Tom Cruise Club of I know better than any doctor even though I have never studied medicine. Ever.
Didn’t he also sexually assault Jamie Pressley from my name is Earl?