Paris Hilton banned from Wynn resorts

After Paris Hilton was arrested for possession of cocaine inside the Wynn and her boyfriend, Wynn nightclub exec Cy Waits, was arrested for driving while high outside the hotel, Wynn Las Vegas has announced that Paris has been banned from the Wynn and Encore resorts. Meanwhile, Cy Waits has been fired. From PEOPLE:

The ban comes after several Las Vegas insiders claimed that the heiress might be blackballed from nightclubs. After the car in which she was riding was stopped, Hilton, 29, was taken inside the Wynn, where it was allegedly discovered that she had cocaine in her purse.

Coinciding with the ban, Wynn Las Vegas also announced in a vague statement that Hilton’s boyfriend, nightclub executive Cy Waits, has been “separated from the company and is free to pursue other interests.” No further comment or details was provided.

Ha ha, you suck, Paris Hilton. It must feel great to be banned from XS, one of the most popular clubs in Vegas. Yea, there’s thirty other clubs she can go to but who would want a tranny cokehead ruining the image of their club now? Hopefully this ban extends to all hot spots in Vegas and LA. That way the only place that will pay her an appearance fee is the free clinic near her house.

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14 years ago

Wynn’s should sanitize all their toilet seats ASAP (men’s and women’s)

The Blemish
14 years ago

I say burn them all. Better safe than sorry.

14 years ago

Finally, people are starting to see that Paris is not all that, and are banning her. Why in the world would people go to clubs to see her is beyond me, but that is on them? I hope she gets banned from everything, and her 15 minutes are up.

14 years ago

Hey, Paris! I’m laughing at you, you dumb, droopy eyed donkey!:-D