Zachary Quinto is best known for playing Sylar on Heroes and Spock on Star Trek but now he’ll probably be known for being that asshole in interviews. Zachary is currently the star of STC’s Off Broadway revival of Kushner’s Angels in America. I have no idea what that sentence meant but Vulture interviewed him. The interview, of course, went swimmingly.
What’s your post-show ritual?
I like to take showers after the show. And then I read. I’m reading Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom, like the rest of the world. But all these questions are too personal, sorry.
Let’s get less personal then. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Still too personal. Sorry.
Is there anything you feel okay talking about?
I’d rather just talk about Tony. I’m just beginning to learn from him, how to string together so many cohesive, multidimensional, layered, and unique thoughts. [Quinto ends interview.]
To be fair, he may have been joking. But on the other hand, favorite ice cream flavor is actually a very personal question. You might as well be asking someone how they masturbate (sobbing with a belt around my neck).
Poor guy should to move to England where people are more used to that type of humor and might actually get it…
I’d love to see him in a remake of Wes Craven’s Red Eye where he replaces Rachel McAdams’ character. He’d knock down Cillian Murphy with his Kal-El red eyed glare.
His pants are so tight it’s amazing his legs haven’t gone numb.
I met ZQ on the street once and said hi. He even stopped and chatted for a few seconds. He was very nice. I think this interview has been taken out of context.