Zachary Quinto Tells New York Mag He’s Gay

Zachary Quinto (Star Trek, Heroes) nonchalantly sashayed out of the closet in this week’s issue of New York Magazine. Speaking about his eight-month role last year in Angels in America,

What was terrifying?
Just the sheer scale of the play to begin with. And then I just think revisiting that work and revisiting the themes of that work at a time when the political and social climate of the country is shifting so dramatically and so irreversibly, to really come up against the echoes of that hatred and that bigotry and that fear that still exists in our culture, just in a different context now — you know, I feel it was just a really interesting exploration for me.

Doing that play made me realize how fortunate I am to have been born when I was born. And to not have to witness the decimation of an entire generation of amazingly talented and otherwise vital men. And at the same time, as a gay man, it made me feel like I — there’s still so much work to be done. There’s still so many things that need to be looked at and addressed. The undercurrent of that fear and that, you know, insidiousness still is swarming. It’s still all around us. To revisit that world at all, it took a toll on me. It definitely was an incredible experience but it was really daunting at times. NY Mag

And this is how you announce you’re gay. Casually dropping it in a weekly magazine. Not by putting your airbrushed face on the cover of PEOPLE. It’s much more dignified this way but less flamboyant. Which is ironic, I guess. Although you could go the Ricky Martin route and bounce around the beach with your gay workout buddy in your speedos for a few years causing everyone to speculate and then come out of the closet on your website when no one cares anymore.

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Captain Obvious
Captain Obvious
12 years ago


12 years ago

Outer Space ? Go to Chelsea Piers for Vitamin D

Anonymous News
12 years ago

I was starting to hate him for closeting himself while looking so gay but now he got some respect from me, well done

12 years ago

  O No, he’s gay, what ever shall we… Who Gives A F*** – bring on Olivia Munn’s nudes.