ESC Appointed Director of Creative Innovation at Intel

Following the success (?) of Lady Gaga teaming up with Polaroid to bring you those crazy glasses that debuted at CES, Intel has partnered with making him “director of creative innovation.”

What exactly will be creatively directing at the processor company? No one knows, not even Intel. It was just cool to hire that guy from The Black Eyed Peas. A really good get. Those fools at AMD won’t know what hit them.

As an extension of his insatiable fascination with technology, which plays a significant role in his professional and personal lives, will engage in a multi-year, hands-on creative and technology collaboration with Intel Corporation. He already sports an Intel ID badge, which he proudly showed off at a news conference in Anaheim, where Intel is holding an internal sales and marketing conference.

“Nearly everything I do involves processors and computers, and when I see an Intel chip I think of all the creative minds involved that help to amplify my own creativity,” said “Teaming up with the scientists, researchers and computer programmers at Intel to collaborate and co-develop new ways to communicate, create, inform and entertain is going to be amazing.”

In his unique role, will collaborate with Intel on many creative and technology endeavors across the “compute continuum” that may include such devices as laptops, smart phones and tablets. Complementing his visionary role as the front man for The Black Eyed Peas, is also already working on music expressly for Intel

What can bring to the table in terms of processors remains to be seen. Maybe he’ll program his awful music into them and Intel will tell him to introduce this new ear-raping cpu with adjectives like “dope” and “fresh” and “those other words you people use” at next year’s CES.

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13 years ago

Ah! Brilliant strategy. You have to be rich in America to get a job now. Well….let me get to work on that straightaway!