Lindsay Lohan adorably thinks she’s going to get her acting career back on track and has now oddly started gunning for roles that Blake Lively is being considered for. It’s all part of her plan to make no f**king sense at all because Blake is 100 times hotter and no one has to worry about Blake getting caught with coke and going to jail.
At the Tuesday press conference for the John Gotti biopic, Lindsay said her dad was in jail with him where they “crossed paths.” Sort of explaining why anyone would consider her for this movie at all. But the interesting part came when Lindsay started talking about future roles like one in Oliver Stone’s Savages. Lindsay said, “That’s the role I really want.” She also mentioned she’d be interested in playing Glinda in Disney’s Wizard of Oz prequel Oz. As noticed by Lainey, Blake Lively is being considered for both these roles. I can only assume Lindsay thinks she still has “star power” which I suppose is true if by that you mean “casting couch.”
Lindsay even had the balls to put conditions on starring in Oz. She said she’d only do it if she could work with James Franco. “We’re like best friends. We’re hanging out later.”
Bitch, no you’re not. When Franco heard you call him your best friend, he raised his eyebrow and changed his number. And let me guess. These scripts were hand delivered to your door by a unicorn riding down a rainbow.
I’m waaay ahead of Lindsay…
PFFT!! LMAO!! Hahaha Lohan is way hotter and famous! Please hahahahaha
Put the crack pipe down!
Sure Blemish, i’ll put it down yous sorry ass! Hahaha
this author has too much hate in her life
If you could get Blake Lively, why in the world would you get Lindsay?? Last time I checked, people want to watch pretty people on the big screen, not meth addict lookalikes. Unless they are playing meth addicts, in which case, I’d still get Blake, cuz she’s purdy. And pretty people rule.