Britney Spears Got Engaged

Where one marriage fails, another one begins. Proving the rumors true, Britney Spears and Jason Trawick got engaged last week at his 40th birthday party at Planet Hollywood.

Spears, donning a short, nude Herve Leger dress, stepped out a few hours later and revealed her highly-anticipated Neil Lane sparkler during a congratulatory welcome on the hotel’s mezzanine. Planet Hollywood Chairman Robert Earl presented Trawick with an oversized birthday cake in a quick ceremony.

“She wanted it to be quick because her kids where upstairs and she wanted to put them to bed,” a source told PEOPLE.

Following the celebration, the duo stopped in at Sugar Factory’s Chocolate Lounge where they shared a turkey burger and a club sandwich in a room closed off to the public to give the couple privacy. A line of waiters where later seen bringing a tray of cupcakes and a large sundae of ice cream covered in sprinkles. [ed. note: naturally]

Old Britney was way more fun. Old Britney would have taken a handful of that cake, shoved it in her mouth and then paraded around Planet Hollywood with a chocolate-smeared face asking if anyone would want to exchange outfits with her. New Britney is boring. New Britney just ends the night at shoving a handful of cake in her mouth.

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