Alanis Morissette Will Breastfeed Her Kid as Long as He Wants

Following Time Magazine’s cover featuring Jamie Lynn Grumet breastfeeding her three-year-old, Alanis Morissette has come out in support of attachment parenting. Alanis says her 16-month-old Ever Imre is still popping her tit in his mouth and she’s not going to stop him until he’s ready.

Alanis tells Access Hollywood, “I breastfeed and I’ll be breastfeeding until my son is finished and he weans.” She casually explains, “I think it affords the child, when he grows up, to have a lot less therapy to go to. For me, I protect his safety and his well-being and his attachment. That stage of development is a very important stage.”

I’d think this kid will eventually need more therapy. Especially after all his friends make fun of him for still sucking on his mother’s teat and pucker their lips and make sucking noises and then ask him if they can suck on his mom’s tits too.

Alanis continues that even though she, her husband and her kid all sleep together, this hasn’t put a damper on their sex lives. “He’s a very robust, virile man,” she says with a laugh. “You gotta take care of your husband.”

Sweet Jesus. I hope they’re not having sex while that kid is sleeping next to them. At the very least, they better give that boy some earplugs and a blindfold and setup a future therapy fund.

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12 years ago

Wow. You are the very reason moms have complexes out there about nursing. Sex in the bed with the kid? SRLSY??? What kind of sick s**t? Why even go there?

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12 years ago

blah blah Blemish=stupid