Sean Penn Is a Crybaby

At a Cannes benefit for Haiti, Sean Penn criticized the media for not continuing to cover the turmoil in the nation, “It’s not only celebrities who went for a day. It’s the whole fucking world. It’s all of you.”

Ann Curry caught up with Sean Penn at Cannes and interviewed him for Today. Curry touches on a variety of topics revolving around Penn’s work in Haiti and in the first few minutes, Penn gets all choked up talking about what victory would look like in Haiti. Something about a Haitian kid blah blah. It’d all seem pretty touching if you can get past his pedostache and Curry’s over earnest demeanor.

Penn was then asked about his “demanding nature” which is a nice way of saying “short temper.”

Curry asked Penn about his demanding nature, particularly when working with helpers in Haiti, and he was unrepentant: “Most of the people I’m angry at are usually international volunteers who are coming over to stamp themselves with a do-gooder label. … I don’t control my temper well, I guess.” MSNBC

Sure, it’s commendable Sean Penn spends all this time in Haiti helping them but because of all that time spent there, he’s developed this holier-than-thou attitude. If you’re not committed long term to Haiti like Penn, you’re apparently just someone who wants to feel good about themselves. Well, excuse me Mr. Bigshot Celebrity. Some people have lives and real jobs and don’t get paid millions for 3 months of work to justify staying in Haiti for 7 months out of the year.

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Anea Johnson
Anea Johnson
12 years ago

Well you know what…I agree with Sean!! Just what exactly did happen to the news coverage in Haiti? I have not heard any sort of status update on that country at all. Did the Haitian people flee or did the country just fall off the map? He is right, it is not fair that the media has turned their backs on this struggling country. The media ignores Haiti so that they can continue to follow Kim KarTRASHian.

12 years ago

When i saw him (Penn) get in a boat and head into the flood to help people during hurricane Katrina, i didnt care what his motives were. I respected him for getting off his ass and doing something. I feel the same way about his work in Haiti.

12 years ago

Who cares about a third world toilet like Haiti? They won’t help themselves so why do we have to rescue them? This is when I think it would be best for America to return to a policy of isolationism.

Victor's Mom
Victor's Mom
12 years ago

Dear Victor, you are a cynical twat. He’s not saying quit your job & take off to Haiti. He’s saying it was on the news, people threw some money at the problem and then forgot about it. A$$hole. Love MOM.

The Blemish
12 years ago
Reply to  Victor's Mom

My mom’s grammar got a lot better.

12 years ago

This brainless article is exactly the kind of media Penn was criticizing. Instead of raising awareness for Haiti you go and blow up on Penn for being compassionate and charitable. Well done, you really proved his point!