Yesterday a website came out leaking the financial information of a few celebrities. This included social security numbers, credit reports and birth dates. Basically, all the info someone needs to get a credit card in their name which they may have done.
According to law enforcement, the, possibly Russian, hackers may have used the credit information to withdraw cash. The FBI has been “aggressively investigating” the case and have known about the hackers even before they started the website.
In new developments, the site has leaked Michelle Obama’s credit report which includes her social security number, phone numbers, banking and mortgage info and credit card details. On the page, they write “Blame your husband, we still love you, Michelle. <3.”
At least you know the Secret Service and FBI are seriously investigating this now. You don’t leak to the world that the First Lady had a Banana Republic and Gap card and expect get away with it.
what the heck is wrong with people why would they put someone’s private information out like this.