A fan at Beyoncé’s show in Copenhagen got a little too handsy with the singer and was almost kicked out.
While singing Irreplaceable, Beyoncé went to have the fans sing in the mic. They were all too happy to do so. One guy, however, was way too happy and ended up slapping her on the ass as she walked away.
If you’ve heard any Beyoncé song ever, you can probably guess this didn’t go over so well. Beyoncé stopped for a second to say, “I will have you escorted out right now, all right?” Luckily, it was kind of joking/kind of serious and the fan was not kicked out.
I’d like to think this was just a miscommunication. He was probably just telling her “good job” like football players do to each other on the field. It’s like why you should slap your girlfriend on the ass when she makes you a sandwich. Simple encouragement is a key to a successful relationship.