Jennifer Aniston Pregnant Again

Every couple months there’s a Jennifer Aniston is pregnant story, but this time it’s from Us Weekly. They’re not usually known as the type to make stuff up considering they have more solid rep to uphold than say Life & Style. Anyway, they’re saying Aniston is fat. Because she’s pregnant. Or just that she’s fat. Turns out her uterus isn’t the barren wasteland everyone thought it was. That was just her personality.

Jen, 44, is reportedly expecting her first baby, claims Us Weekly, but she’s not jumping to announce her news. She is reportedly waiting to announce the news until she has passed those crucial first months.

“She is scared of having a miscarriage, given her age, so they are not saying anything until she is six months along,” an insider told the mag.

Justin, 42, and Jen are happy in love and the magazine claims they are thrilled for their news. “They’re extremely happy. This is the baby Jen always wanted,” a source said.

Isn’t it a little premature to be announcing that this is the baby she’s always wanted? It hasn’t even popped out yet. What if it comes out looking like Sloth from the Goonies. Yea, she’ll love him because she’s his mother and all but you know she’ll be secretly thinking, “This is NOT the baby I’ve always wanted.” The constant weeping will probably give it away in any case.

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