Via Gawker, news out of a “half-reputable” Panamanian newspaper Cronicas claims Justin Bieber left a Panama City club at 3 a.m. with ten women, one of which he had sex with.
The woman, a prostitute (oh, you thought he didn’t have to pay?), called him “un papacito” in bed. It all happened when she and some other girls went back to his hotel where Bieber started kissing her nose and face while they smoked weed.
The sex worker went on, “He asked me in English if I wanted all of his semen, but I don’t understand English. My friend was translating.” I really want to believe Justin said this verbatim because that is the creepiest dirty talk I’ve ever heard.
They went on to have sex for an hour. He was pretty average as was his penis, so claimed the girl. As far as positions go, “I did everything with him. He had me in all the positions.” She says Justin then finished on her breasts. Hopefully yelling “blammo!” as he did so.
Bieber paid the girl $500 and sent her and her friends back to the club.
I’ll bet he paid that guy a lot!
The new Vanilla Ice Ice Baby Ice.
I believe the whole story except for: “They went on to have sex for an hour”
Sure, one hour, sure son.
He asked if she wanted his semen, urgh. If a rat could talk, even he would be too polite to say that.
$500 is like .50 cents to him…Makes it even funnier that he had to pay, she could have got more.
The newspaper is Critica – and it was probably a fake story, the newspaper has a bad reputation actually. Source: I’m from Panama
No wonder! Con razón no conocía ese periódico… Cronicas hahahaha
the story is based in Panama indeed, but the prostitute was not panamanian, she was colombian.
source: im from panama
stuff like this makes my country look bad -.-
this is a lie