You may remember that last month, Justin Bieber was accused of rape by two anonymous Twitter accounts and he pretty quickly produced some seriously convincing exculpatory evidence, namely that he was at Rhianna’s place for a party during the time frame of one accusation and stayed in a different hotel from where the other supposedly happened.
Justin Bieber is suing the absolute s**t out of the people who made these pretty provably false allegations and Bieber maintains he’s never raped anyone regardless of what his mustache looks like.
Deadline reports that Bieber took a big step forward in his lawsuit against the accusers as a judge ruled that Twitter will have to turn over identifying information on his accusers.
“We just want to uncover who is behind these two accounts, and it may be the same person,” Bieber’s lawyer, Evan N. Spiegel, told Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Terry Green.
In a moment of levity, the judge mispronounced Bieber’s last name and asked if he should know who the plaintiff was.
Spiegel said that Bieber is a recording artist well-known to certain demographics. The judge replied, “I gather demographics not 73 and over.”
I really envy that judge.
Bieber is suing the two presently-anonymous women for $20 million, which sends a message. And I agree with him for once; making up stories is bad to begin with, but especially making up stories about rape.