Jahleel Addae Suffered a Stinger But Sort of Looks Like a Concussion

The Broncos beat the Chargers in tonight’s Thursday Night Football game with an assist from the refs, but that’s neither here nor there. What everyone should be looking at are the two hits Jahleel Addae took during the game. The first one caused him to crumple to the ground like he was knocked out.

The second one looked like it gave him a traumatic brain injury causing him to dance the robot.

Reports are saying a concussion test was done on the sideline and he passed and that he had just suffered a stinger.

But, uh, jesus. That may be the worst stinger I’ve ever seen. After that second hit he took, he looked like Lindsay Lohan at closing time. And that’s something you do NOT want to look like at any point in your life.

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