Florida Woman Interested in All Illegalities She Can Attempt With Her Hoo-Ha

While most people save their kinks for role play and the dark side of the Internet, 23-year-old Florida woman, Brittany Sonnier, is committed to living hers out in real life – legal or not. In this definitely ‘or not’ case, after being arrested Monday for having sex with a 15-year-old boy, it came out that Sonnier is also infamous for having sex with two dogs.

In 2012, Sonnier’s ex-boyfriend claimed that she admitted to gettin’ it on with her family dog for 8 years, both vaginally and orally, in an attempt to convince him to have a little ménage à trois with man’s best friend. 

Somehow, even through his knowledge of these bow-wow-banging events, Sonnier’s 15-year-old neighbor wasn’t deterred, although, the weed and booze she bought for him may have persuaded his view. Sonnier claims to not have known her buddy was underage despite him living next door with his Dad only on weekends. Nice try ‘not guilty’ plea.

Not surprisingly, when interviewed by WKMG Orlando, the teen expressed his concern of contracting a venereal disease. Too bad that thought didn’t enter your boozed-up, pre-coital mind, young one; the dogs had to be worried about that too.

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