Scottish Bartenders Kilt Strike After Continual Groping by Female Patrons

Scottish bartenders endure sexual harassment usually reserved for women… always reserved for women, peeking up their kilts and grabbing their bagpipe.

Hootananny pub in Inverness, Scotland, is having a rowdy women problem causing a group of their bartenders to go on a kilt-strike. They’re refusing to wear the basically-skirt traditional dress because the lay-days won’t stop peering underneath, groping them, and checking to see if they’re wearing underwear.

The female pub-goers seem to have no problem assaulting employees, a behavior they probably learned from the same thing happening to them. Now, I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying if the title was “Strike After Groping at Bar” you’d assume the gropees were women. Death and Taxes, along with Amy Schumer, really hit the nail on the head with O’Nutters:

Apparently, women are just really into finding out if their servers are true Scotsmen, meaning they keep it fresh and breezy under the kilt. Assistant manager Iain Howie explains it as such:

”You get large groups of drinking women circling around when you are collecting glasses and asking whether you are true Scotsman – and they find out for themselves.”

Howie describes the first few assaults as “funny”, but the end product of nonconsensual kilt-lifting to be vulnerable employees. The owner, Kit Fraser, totally viewing this the same way I am, calls the behavior “pure sexism.”

“Can you imagine if I went into a restaurant and stuck my hand up a girl’s skirt? I would be taken to the police station and rightly so.”

Here’s hoping the new dress is just a skort, it’s what my mom threw me in so I could play on the playground but also continue to wear a “skirt.” You handsy women better not have ruined Scottish authenticity. Also, I’m confused, who wants to see a random penis?!

[Image: Flickr/Edited from original]

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