Can we get a do-over on George Zimmerman? The Floridian claimed self-defense in the Trayvon Martin shooting two years ago. A jury acquitted him of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges. Time to lay low right? Nah. Zimmerman has had several alleged violent outbursts since then. They include threatening his wife and a girlfriend. Both are exes now, not a surprise.
Now, he makes news again. Some user, ‘@SeriousSlav’, tweeted a photo of Trayvon Martin’s corpse. The pic was evidence used in his trial. The tweet was captioned “Z-Man is a one man army”. Tsk tsk. Naturally, Zimmerman, being the psycho he is, retweeted it. It stayed up until Twitter took it down.
Then, for some reason, Zimmerman started ranting about some guy, Micah Williams from Clarksville, Tennessee, not paying not paying child support.
Maybe they knew each other. Or maybe not. Whatever the case, that didn’t stop him from tweeting out Williams’ info.
The NY Daily News looked into this Micah Williams fella.
Williams did not return request for comment, but one coworker told The News Williams was slammed with “thousands” of harassing calls after the tweet.
“We’re going to get another one as soon as you hang up,” another coworker said.
If you read through Zimmerman’s feed, it’s a whole bunch of trolling. He ended his rant for that day with one final tweet:
Not even God wants to protect this psycho douchebag. God sits on his throne every day, murmuring to himself, “Damn, I fucked up with this one.”