Rebel Wilson Victim of Kardashian ‘Smear Campaign’

Actress Rebel Wilson, known for her scene-stealing in the Pitch Perfect movies and Bridesmaids, made a comment in an Australian talk radio interview that the Kardashian family has taken offense to.

On November 4th, Wilson said she had been asked to present an award alongside Kendall and Kylie Jenner at the VMAs, but turned the gig down because what the Kardashian empire stands for “is totally against what I stand for,” she explained.

“I’m all about personality and working hard to get to where I am. How Kim Kardashian got famous from the sex tape and I just went to acting school and worked really hard…”

Nearly everyone has sided with the Kardashians here, including Oprah. Wilson responded on Twitter saying

“I’d be very happy to debate the Kardashians anywhere / anytime / any topic. Or maybe their publicist can just stop the smear campaign against me because I made one prompted comment about them on Australian radio? In any event, I’m MORE than over this little thing and wish the K clan well X. Even sent them flowers.”

I would speculate that the hosting routine would have contained at least one joke about the difference in appearance between Wilson and the Jenners. Willing to bet she’s just kind of sick of that schtick.

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