Brad Pitt Has Some Dirt on Angelina Jolie, Y’all

Rumors are going around that Brad Pitt has some audio recordings of Angelina Jolie that are gonna change everything. According to a source, these “dynamite” tapes will fucking wreck Angelina Jolie’s life and stop her from getting sole custody of their children.

According to the insider:

“Nobody wants to play dirty like that — it’s not good for the children — but Angelina and her team seem absolutely hell-bent on trying to discredit Brad in order to stop him getting joint custody.”

Jolie is tryna get sole custody, and considering Pitt was cleared of child abuse allegations, people are starting to wonder if Jolie is doing her best to make him look bad in order to keep a hold on the kids. She wants sole custody, he wants joint custody, and it is a mess.

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