Jamie Foxx Attacked in Hollywood, Make Sure To See ‘Sleepless’ on Friday

In an effort to promote his new movie, Taken, But With Jamie Foxx and Not Liam Neeson (the movie is actually called Sleepless), Jamie Foxx got into a fight in West Hollywood.

TMZ reports that a guy from New York was complaining that Foxx and his friends were being too loud. Wait, hold on. A guy FROM NEW YORK complained that Jamie and his friends WERE TOO LOUD. This story is definitely fake and nothing but a promotional tool. After complaining, one of Jamie’s friend was like, “I’m from Oakland,” proud that he’s a bandwagon Warriors fan, I guess. This led to the New York guy jumping at Jamie and ended with Jamie putting him in a chokehold.

Sleepless hits theaters on Friday, so expect to hear about Jamie beating up a gang in LA who complained that Jamie and his friends were listening to their music too loud on Wednesday.

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