Selena Gomez Finished Rehab Just in Time for Justin Bieber to Screw Her Up Again

It was Mental Health Day this past week and if you used the hashtag #BellLetsTalk on Twitter, good job. You did social media right.

Selena Gomez is one of the many who suffer from depression and anxiety. I can think of a 150-pound Canadian weight that she could lose to make things easier, but I digress. Gomez entered a New York mental health treatment program in January to help her cope with her issues.

According to US Weekly, Gomez entered the program voluntarily and is said to be doing great. According to an insider, Selena “had a lot going on the last few months and she wanted to clear her mind and thought this was the way to do it.”

It was a two week program that focuses on mental and physical health, along with clean eating. She plans on going back at some point this year.

Good for her. The toughest thing to do is admitting that you have a mental health problem and opening up about it with others. I hope this leads to more people seeking counsel and less people ending up like Chester Bennington.

It’s been a tough year for Gomez. She underwent a kidney transplant over the summer due to complications with lupus and she broke up with The Weeknd, only to get back together with Justin Bieber.

On the bright side, her show 13 Reasons Why, which touches on a lot of mental health issues, was a smash hit on Netflix and was renewed for a second season. So, it wasn’t all bad for Gomez.

This isn’t the first time Gomez has entered rehab for mental health. She went to a facility in Tennessee back in October 2016, canceling 34 tour dates as a result.

As a person who suffers from depression myself, I hope Gomez continues to do what she can to battle and make people aware of the issue. And I really think losing the 150-pound Canadian would do wonders for her mental health.

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