Alleged Rapist Prison Guard Identified by His Giant, Unwashed Penis

One of the things that we, as a society, make a lot of jokes about that isn’t really funny is prison rape. If a convict’s sentence read something like “five years in prison where they will be repeated raped by guards and other inmates,” there is no way that wouldn’t fit the definition of cruel and unusual punishment.

And yet, whenever someone we as a society don’t like is convicted of a crime, we take a sort of glee in the fact that they will more than likely be raped while in prison, as if it’s not just something we expect but encourage to happen. It is important to remember, though, that even though society tends to turn a blind eye to prison rape, it’s still a crime.

So if you’re a guard at a women’s prison and you’re running a rape ring with two other guards, you’re committing a serious crime. And crime doesn’t pay, especially if you have poor hygiene and a massive cock, like Lt. Eugenio Perez, a guard at the Metropolitan Detention Center in New York.

Here’s how one victim described it during the trial, according to the New York Post.

“He wasn’t circumcised. It was big, and it was like a hook…It was humongous and it curved,” a 38-year-old former inmate of the federal lockup in Sunset Park testified anonymously.

But, she noted, his mammoth member kind of smelled bad.

“If it didn’t stink I would have been all over that s–t,” she continued, describing the odor as “pissy,” as jurors’ eyebrows shot up.

Colorful commentary aside, she clearly wasn’t “all over that s**t,” at least not willingly. As the trial went on, other victims gave similar testimony, to the point where the jury seemed tired of hearing about it.

“It was so big. I wanted to throw up,” a 50-year-old former inmate testified through a translator while explaining how Perez forced her to perform oral sex on him while he was working at the Metropolitan Detention Center in 2016.

“It had a smell like he didn’t wash or take a shower … it was a really strong smell.”

A look of disgust came over one female juror’s face and she shook her head — but the prosecutors continued to quiz the woman about his putrid pecker in painstaking detail.

Perez’s confederates in this rape ring at the prison have already been convicted; Lt. Carlos Martinez is facing life in prison and another guard, Armando Moronta could be in jail for up to 95 years and be fined up to a million dollars.

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5 years ago

What do you think the odds are that he’ll end up on the recieving end of a rape ring this time? I’m not trying to be funny, I’m just saying it feels like one of those “what goes around, comes around” kind of moments.

5 years ago

Committing a criminal act or not, any man should never leave the house with a stinky dick. Put on some ToppCock or Fresh Balls, for crying out loud!